World's Largest Swim Lesson on June 24
Waldameer & Water World and lifeguards from the Barber National Institute will join over 500 pools and water parks in over 20 countries as a host location for the 2016 World’s Largest Swimming Lesson on June 24! Registration begins at 9:00 a.m., Swim Lesson begins at 10:00 a.m. at Waldameer's Wave Pool.
The event, which is free of charge, is sponsored by the World Waterpark Association, American Red Cross, and many other water safety organizations and is meant to spread the message ‘Swimming Lessons Save Lives’.
The event will include fun and games from our local radio stations 94.7BOBFM, STAR104, ROCKET101, and The WOLF as well as a 30-minute swim lesson for children and adults alike! Learn some of the basic swim techniques to help make swimming a fun and safe activity for the whole family! Meet the Barber Beast and many other local mascots as we cheer on all our swimmers!
For more, please click this link.