Have you ever dreamed of making someone else’s dreams come true? Erie Gives Day, Aug. 13 is your chance to put wings on the dream of an adult or child in Erie County with an intellectual disability, autism or behavioral health challenge.  

Our children, adults and families have interests and aspirations. Like you, they dream of first-time experiences and hobbies that bring them joy, a job where they are valued and life-long learning to reach their full potential. Your gift can remove barriers and create opportunities.  

A gift to Barber National Institute will fund: 

  • Community exploration for inclusion and self-worth 
  • Employment skill development for independence and confidence 
  • Expanded social opportunities for laughter and friendship 
  • Family support services for bonding and peace of mind 
  • Technology for communication and mobility 

Erie Gives Day, Tuesday, Aug. 13 is the one day that everyone can be a philanthropist. 

Gifts made on this annual day of giving are matched by corporate donors which means your gift of $25 or more has the power to fund a dream.  

In the words of our founder Dr. Gertrude A. Barber, “All things are possible if we set a goal, persevere and put wings on our dreams.” 

Put wings on someone’s dream this Erie Gives Day with a gift to Barber National Institute. 

Ways to Give

Learn More About Erie Gives Day

Erie Gives John Pearson

What’s your dream?

Meet John Pearson.

John lives independently at home in downtown Erie and receives care and support through Pennsylvania’s Agency with Choice, which allows individuals and their families the ability to self-direct their services. Barber National Institute is Erie County’s exclusive Agency with Choice provider.

“Sue’s a good caregiver. She takes me out. I like to go around Lake Erie on Lady Kate. In cooking class, we make different dishes and then sit at the tale and share what we have made with my friends. I have made good friends going to cooking class.”

Erie Gives Day, Aug. 13 is your chance to put wings on the dream of John and others. Your gift can remove barriers and create opportunities.

Read John's full story on page 11

Erie Gives Alexis Plyler

What’s your dream?

Meet Alexis Plyler.

Thanks to a vocational training program, Alexis is working at Saint Vincent’s Childcare Center in Erie where she is spreading kindness.

“When the kids get frustrated at daycare, I show them kindness. My co-workers are my friends and being here makes me feel happy. I am proud.”

Erie Gives Day, Aug. 13 is your chance to put wings on the dream of Alexis and others. Your gift can remove barriers and create opportunities.

Read Alexis's full story on page 10

Erie Gives Erik Groshek

What’s your dream?

Meet Erik Groshek.

Erik participates in Barber Beast on the Bay’s adapted course – a 1-mile fully accessible adapted obstacle course that involves pulling, pushing, carrying and navigating. It’s the only adapted obstacle course in the United States.

The event “is the highlight of his year,” according to his mother Karen Groshek. “It is a day that we see his “abilities” instead of his disabilities.”

Erie Gives Day, Aug. 13 is your chance to put wings on the dream of Erik and others. Your gift can remove barriers and create opportunities.

Read Erik's full story on page 4

Erie Gives James Froncek

What’s your dream?

Meet James Froncek.

James began working at Bistro 26 in Erie in 2017 who achieved his dream of getting a job. When he reached his five-year anniversary he wanted to have a party- not for himself, but for the two people who made his dream of employment come true – George and Angie Gourlias.

He created a “best boss award”. In taking the initiative to create a personalized award, James was able to convey his gratitude. “They are caring, thoughtful . . . I plan on working there for many years to come.”

Erie Gives Day, Aug. 13 is your chance to put wings on the dream of James and others. Your gift can remove barriers and create opportunities.

Watch James's full story

Erie Gives Kieren Dihllon

What’s your dream?

Meet Kieren Dihllon.

Kieren is the mother of two children with an autism diagnosis and a participant in Barber National Institute’s autism parent support group. She says that she and her husband feel very isolated and experience caregiver burnout.

“I am meeting so many parents – from all walks of life- who are on the autism journey. I wish this would have been available sooner; we never would have met otherwise. They understand -they get it. My daughter met another child through the support group and now they are both in Barber’s Camp Connections.”

Erie Gives Day Aug. 13 is your chance to put wings on the dream of Kieren and others. Your gift can remove barriers and create opportunities.

Learn more about the Autism Support Group

Erie Gives Elizabeth Lee Black School

What’s your dream?

Meet Elizabeth Lee Black School students.

The nationally recognized approved private school provides education to 150 students from 26 school districts. The school uses technology to drive discovery and wonder, increase independence, develop future-ready skills, promote social interaction and make learning both fun and effective.

Erie Gives Day, Aug. 13 is your chance to put wings on the dream of Elizabeth Lee Black School students and others. Your gift can remove barriers and create opportunities.

Watch a video about technology in Elizabeth Lee Black School