Barber Beast Visits Girard Picnic

Posted on August 2nd, 2013 at 7:26 PM
Barber Beast Visits Girard Picnic

The Barber Beast was a guest at the annual summer picnic sponsored by the Girard Parent Group. The event brings together adults who attend programs on the Girard Campus, as well as staff and parents. 

The picnic, held at the American Legion Park in Girard, features a lunch prepared by members of the Girard Parent Group, a Chinese auction and live entertainment by musicians Joe Lish and Pat Lorei.

Barber Beast on the Bay includes an adapted course for adults with intellectual or physical disabilities. The activity, which will be held Saturday, Sept. 7 at Presque Isle, offers six obstacles along a scenic 1.5 mile course. For more information about the adapted course visit


Additional Photos

Girard Parent Group with the Beast
Bus 17 performed for the picnic-goers