Jobs Available in Erie, Corry & Warren, PA

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Teacher Assistant

Job Type Full Time
Location Erie, PA - Req #128
HoursMust be flexible and available to work morning hours and some evenings required
Job Description

As a Teacher Assistant, you will be providing support to children with developmental disabilities in a classroom setting. Work as a team player in the Elizabeth Lee Black School, Nationally designated “School of Excellence” for 14 years and approved private school, that offers a range of educational program choices designed to help all children achieve their potential.



Qualified applicants must meet eligibility for PA Child Abuse History and Criminal Record Check.
We are an affirmative action federal contractor equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability or any other legally protected status. If you need an accommodation to apply, please contact HR. EOE