NAPSEC Award Recognition Held Today

Posted on March 12th, 2015 at 6:52 PM
NAPSEC Award Recognition Held Today

A reception celebrating a national award for the Elizabeth Lee Black School will be held at the Barber National Institute on Thursday, March 12 at 3:30 p.m. in the Forum. School faculty, donors and members of the arts community will gather to celebrate the Award for Leadership and Innovation recently presented by the National Association of Private Special Education Centers.

The award recognizes the artist-in-residency that brings professional artist Jude Shingle together with students and faculty to create multimedia publications. Four of these projects, including digital books, movies and animations, will be on display for guests to browse during the reception. The projects reinforce or expand upon social or communication skills being taught in the classroom.

Project on display will include “Night at the Races,” a stop motion animation created by students in a classroom for children with multiple handicaps. The video can also be viewed at

The artist-in-residency is funded by Erie Arts and Culture, First Niagara Bank and the Dr. Gertrude A. Barber Foundation. Every year, more than 60 students have the opportunity to be involved in the program.