Technology Camp Survey

Posted on May 22nd, 2015 at 6:11 PM

Children are growing up in a technology-filled world.  To offer more opportunities to explore what’s possible with iPads and other technology, the Barber National Institute Elizabeth Lee Black School is considering a summer technology camp that would be open for all children ages 5-18.

This camp would run August 3-7 and August 10-14.  Camp would be open to current students, their siblings and friends, and children in the community; youngsters would be able to attend on a daily or weekly basis.

The cost is $70/day or $350/week, and lunch is provided daily.  Camp activities include outings in the community. Families may be able to utilize FSS allocations or their waiver funds to cover the cost of camp.

If you are interested in camp, please click here to complete the survey and email responses to  For more information, call 814-878-4031.