Public Invited to Autism Series
Throughout the summer, Joseph Barber, MD, will present a three-part series on autism topics in the Barber National Institute Forum. Dr. Barber, a noted pediatric neurologist, concentrates on a wide range of issues concerning the health and well-being of children.
The first program was held in May, so be sure not to miss the final two programs:
"Medication Intervention Options of Autism Spectrum Disorder": Wednesday, July 11, 6-7:15 p.m.; a discussion about medication for individuals with autism and when it’s necessary, as well as risks and benefits.
"Roles of Regulation, Reactivity and Flexibility in Autism Spectrum Disorder": Wednesday, September 12, 6-7:15 p.m.; a discussion on the effects of ASD on developmental stages and progression.
The programs are presented free; however, registration is appreciated. Free babysitting is also offered with advance registration by calling 480-6831 or by clicking here.