Corry and Girard Campuses Receive Donations
Posted on June 2nd, 2015 at 1:21 PM
Members of the Knights of Columbus Council 425 of the Corry area recently presented a check for more than $800 to the Barber National Institute campus in Corry. Staff and adults at the Corry facility accepted the donation, which will be used to assist in programming and supplies for services to benefit adults with intellectual disabilities. Pictured from left are Justin Belloso; Jen Still, Barber Institute Lead Habilitation Specialist; Faith Dias; Bill Barney and Maurice Aldrich, Knights of Columbus members; Sue Hill, Barber National Institute Corry Area Manager; and Joe Etling, Barber Institute Program Specialist. Funds were raised by members of the Knights during their annual "Measure Up" Campaign.

The Knights of Columbus came through again with support for our Girard campus. The Knights held a collection drive in Girard, raising $1,000 that will be used to expand technology at the Girard campus, including the purchase of two new iPads. Knights Ralph Snyder and Mark Wilkocz, center, presented the donation to Pat Lorei, left, and Jennifer Lawrence, from the Girard program. The Knights have been holding the fund drive for more than 20 years.